Airbruch Mix

In the airbrush world is being my experience that the real secrets for painting are usually not spoken or address because they are complex or the person does not have the experience to speak about it.
Lets take for example the chemical mix for bonding the airbrush paint to textile or metal with acrylic. I will highly recommend Createx products because my experience and of the reliability factor, but golden products are a excellent manufacture as well also a good provider for airbrush support in their products. The website for Createx is another story is like they made it with a cheap Micro.. program or something, so please go to the supplier for a better view or offers. If you need a good supply provider look for BearAir which I found to be a great supplier throughout the years but many new store of art supplies are on the Net like my store were you can find Iwata revolution airbrush or the classic freehand shield by Artool,
What you need:
I will stay with Createx products for the Mix.
1- Bond all - an additive for the acrylic that relies on heat to set.
2-Catalyst - Is an accelerator and chemical reaction with the acrylic to form more crystal like and structure to the material which the medium bonds with.
3-Retarder- It slows down the reaction or more to the point it react with the water to maintain a "wet" condition in the paint.
My basic mix is for 3 to 12 onces of paint at the time:
Bond all 3 to 6 drops + 1 drop of Catalyst + 1 drop of Retarder. I call it the 3-1-1 mix
The Bond all in the mix is the flexible agent and depend on the total quantity of the paint and the humidity of the area were you are painting, instructions are in the bottle. The other 2 ingredients are always the same because they create a condition in a chemical sense and that goes a long way in small quantities.
The instruction on the "Bond all" should be follow for heat setting in the oven or with a heat gun for the cure process especially for metal.
This mix is also good for cheap acrylic paint from arts and craft store that have no clue of what they are selling but are good for the average joe. A way to improve the quality of the paint.
I also should say something about extender mediums for paint as a form of visual alter the texture of the paint itself or to control the transparent or opaque factor as well as the gloss or matte surfaces of the paint when it dries, but I believe by know you will start to get a picture of the many tool available to the artist. With a little time you should get a handle on how you will want to use this things to express your self in the material of your choice. I also realize that some paints come ready to use in the label, but to be honest unless they can read your mind I do not think they know how you will like your master piece to end. So learn your tools and practice. The people at Createx and BearAir are good folk and will give you a hand in answering most of your question.
I hope this help in the world of graphics specially for the new guys, good luck.
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